
As its National Coming out Day I’ve decided to share my coming out story.   I’ve been lucky that my whole family have accepted me for who I am and I know other people arent so lucky. The year was 1987, what feels like a lifetime ago, and at the height of such a bad time for…

So let’s talk about being “straight acting”

I apologise in advance that this will come across as a rant but it is inspired by a tweet I read by someone who stated… There is nothing more offensive than someone describing themselves as ‘straight acting’ I don’t think the person in question has taken the time to think about the history behind the…

I Knew It!!!

I’ve always thought that Wentworth Miller was pure class…and now he’s proved my point, coming out in defence of our gay Russian cousins in a very public way!!

The reason Father’s Day was invented…

Sometimes If you believe the news there doesn’t seem that much to genuinely feel positive about. However once in a while a truly wonderful thing drops in front of you and you just have to share it. The below letter from a dad to his son, which has gone viral, proves beyond doubt two things……