Smoked salmon & scramble egg on sourdough

I’ve found that the trick to eating well post bariatric surgery lies in cheating your eyes that you are eating what everyone else is. The truth is often that you are eating much less and I have friends that, even though they don’t experience hunger, do feel left out when everyone is eating much more…

Practically Perfect Poached Eggs

From what I’ve seen around the internet poaching an egg is one of those things that people seem to find hardest to master. Even my mother finds poaching eggs difficult – no matter how many times Ive shown her how to do it. In multiple forums over the years I have read about various methods,…

Cherries & Berries Overnight Oats

Im useless at getting organised in the morning. My brain just doesn’t function that early and I always end up either with a bacon roll from Greggs or Marmite toast.  Neither of these are particularly good for me and my doctors have been banging on at me about having porridge for breakfast for years –…

My favourite easy breakfast sarnie- toasted bacon and tomato

We’ve all been there. In a rush, want something satisfying yet naughty but don’t want the guilt. I was in exactly this position this morning and really needed to get to the shops and then I remembered a sandwich I haven’t made myself in a long time- my toasted bacon and tomato special. It’s not…

The perfect cooked breakfast

When I was 16 one of my first jobs was working in my local cafe.  One morning my boss was off sick and I got asked to prep 4 breakfasts. I had never made a breakfast before (I’d eaten loads) and if I said it was a disaster that would’ve been an understatement.  By the…

Let’s talk about porridge

I’ve had to admit as it’s getting cooler and darker in the mornings I am starting to hanker after something a little more substantial than toast and an apple for breakfast. As DBags everywhere will tell you Porridge is a superfood for us. It gives us the energy we need in a great slow release…