
As its National Coming out Day I’ve decided to share my coming out story.   I’ve been lucky that my whole family have accepted me for who I am and I know other people arent so lucky. The year was 1987, what feels like a lifetime ago, and at the height of such a bad time for…

Happy Brighton Pride everyone

I hope everyone has the most FLABULOUS time this weekend. Ill be there, blowing my whistle, cheering everyone along and enjoying far too much Vodka and Redbull 🙂  

Fat shaming – great interview with Beth Ditto

The LGBT community, which prides itself on its inclusivity, has an exclusivist side.  Cliques develop in many communities but the  ideals placed on gay men and women about  how they should look and act are one of the leading causes of depression within the LGBT community. Whether it’s butch vs femme, focussing on the body…

It’s a Yes for Marriage Equality in Ireland #MarRef

Congratulations Ireland For the first time, since marriage equality campaigning began, a whole country has had the opportunity to vote for, or against, Equal Marriage – and by overwhelming majority have voted for equality. With both sides sure of victory it appeared to be a closely divided campaign. However by truly giving individuals the opportunity to influence change…

Equal marriage is here

The first gay marriages happened today from midnight. In Brighton that meant that at 12.01 the first marriage of its kind in the UK happened and I had an interesting experience on the way home last night. There was a real party atmosphere in town and we spent the night celebrating it being Friday and…

We’ve been talking about adoption…

And before you get excited, this is something we have given lots of thought to over the years but we are worried. You see we have lots going against us…. Me– I’m diabetic, overweight, have controlled blood pressure and 43 Dazzler– dyslexic, dyspraxic, controlled depression and 34 As you can see, we aren’t everyone’s idea…

So let’s talk about being “straight acting”

I apologise in advance that this will come across as a rant but it is inspired by a tweet I read by someone who stated… There is nothing more offensive than someone describing themselves as ‘straight acting’ I don’t think the person in question has taken the time to think about the history behind the…

Because I miss him

As you know last week was a hard one which culminated in an incredibly hectic weekend moving us into our new office.  I was beginning to feel really depressed and wondered if it was too much work, not eating right or just move stress but then I remembered…. I Miss Him!!   You See the…