More Flabulous things from my teeny tiny kitchen

I’ve been working on our teeny tiny kitchen for a while now, so I thought I’d share some of my recent finds that make my life even more Flabulous!! Our obsession with Tupperware took an upturn with the first visit of the year to our local car boot sale. I’m loving these vintage colours and…

What makes you Happy?

The UN has declared that today is the International Day of Happiness!! This is a bit freaky because I’ve just checked the dates and its exactly 1 year to the day that I had my own day of happiness, and resigned from my job!! Are they tracking me? It did get me to thinking however…

We’ve got a way to go!!

I’ve spent the day in Brighton at Student Pride. I know, I know, I’m not a student and was old enough to be many of their parents but I was really interested in a couple of the talks that were booked and ok, Ben Cohen was going to be there and well…..what can I say…….

My tiny kitchen full of Flabulous things…

Now I know that size doesn’t matter *coughs* but I’ve got a tiny confession to make- I’ve got a really small one!!! Kitchen that is!! (see gutterati, I’m not all sleaze) In fact I’ve never had such a small one in my life, but I had to make compromises when we moved so that we…

How to get through a hangover in your forties

For the last couple of months, as its our off season, I’ve been going out much more than usual and having a really great time. The only downside to this is that, now that I’m in my forties, I get real hangovers. Im not talking the irritating headache and queazy stomach kind I got in…

My super fast lemon pepper chicken & med veg salad

Lots of my Flabulous friends do what I used to do, throwing out lots of excuses when it comes to eating healthier. Excuses like… “I haven’t got the time”, “its too much effort!”, “its easier to order in or throw a ready meal into the oven”. One of my problems has been that healthy food…

The importance of fun….

As I think I’ve mentioned before I am a recovering “live to work”er One of the things I forgot to do for many years was enjoy myself. My life didn’t just become routine, it became an endless, list making, planning exercise which left very little time for much else. There was no wonder that I…