I’m a BAD Diabetic!!

  I’ve just read this article in the Spectator from a Doctor who has stated that he would rather have HIV than diabetes and it got me thinking. For years I was worried that I might have contracted HIV – it was the worst possible fate I could think of as a young adult in the…

I’m blogging in the bath again

Today’s post is about self image. How many of us REALLY look at ourselves in the mirror? I recently had my photograph professionally taken for our company website and was heartbroken by the results. No matter how reassuring the photographer or our head of marketing were I still had misgivings and when the photo was…

I’m disappointed in myself

…but not as disappointed as my doctor is!! I had my annual diabetic check up yesterday and whilst there was good news – my cholesterol is down and I’ve got no sensation or blood pressure problems – I have had a sustained spike in my blood sugars over the last 3 months and my weight…

Let’s talk about porridge

I’ve had to admit as it’s getting cooler and darker in the mornings I am starting to hanker after something a little more substantial than toast and an apple for breakfast. As DBags everywhere will tell you Porridge is a superfood for us. It gives us the energy we need in a great slow release…

I’ve only been and bought a bike!!!

Well I’ve finally bitten the bullet and made an eBay purchase…. I’ve bought myself a bike…..and not just any bike but a scwhinn Cruiser. Now I know I’m not exactly the fittest person on the planet and not exactly ergonomically designed for cycling but I’ve got to do something to keep my fitness levels going…

From DBag to Windbag

Great… Just when you think it can’t get any worse, when you’ve already come to terms with not being able to eat the things you love, with taking medication for the rest of your life, with having to check your blood sugar daily and with having to tell people why you can’t have sugary options…

I’ll never be a gym bunny….

But I’ve joined the gym!!! And what’s more Ive been going regularly!! And I don’t hate it!! As you all know my mission to get healthy has involved lots (and I mean lots) of walking. But I did get to a point where my weightloss stalled and no matter what I did I couldn’t move…

Struggling for inspiration

Ive been struggling for inspiration for a while and as its impacted on my blogging over the last couple of weeks thought its time I fessed up!! Several things have contributed to my general lack of inspiration…. Our van, Lulu, is not playing ball and we have had to have her whole engine rebuilt which…

Daddy or chips??

I’ve not written much about my new healthier lifestyle for a while because, well, to be honest I’ve not been a particularly good boy!! It’s not like I’ve put ALL the weight back on or anything but I have definitely been avoiding the scales since before Mother’s Day. When I got on them this morning…